2007年5月22日 星期二

The Killers - Mr. Brightside

Killers的處女作Hot Fuss其實我並沒有很愛,CD也在當時借人不知怎的只剩下殼,不過Mr. Brightside真的是太好聽了,光是今天我就已經聽了快20遍了!!!!

我也想當Mr. Brightside

// Lyrics

Killers - Mr. Brightside

I'm coming out of my cage
And I’ve been doing just fine
Gotta gotta be down
Because I want it all
It started out with a kiss
How did it end up like this
It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss
Now I’m falling asleep
And she’s calling a cab
While he’s having a smoke
And she’s taking a drag
Now they’re going to bed
And my stomach is sick
And it’s all in my head
But she’s touching his—chest
Now, he takes off her dress
Now, let me go

I just can’t look its killing me
And taking control
Jealousy, turning saints into the sea
Swimming through sick lullabies
Choking on your alibis
But it’s just the price I pay
Destiny is calling me
Open up my eager eyes
‘Cause I’m Mr Brightside

I’m coming out of my cage
And I’ve been doing just fine
Gotta gotta be down
Because I want it all
It started out with a kiss
How did it end up like this
It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss
Now I’m falling asleep
And she’s calling a cab
While he’s having a smoke
And she’s taking a drag
Now they’re going to bed
And my stomach is sick
And it’s all in my head
But she’s touching his—chest
Now, he takes off her dress
Now, let me go

'causeI just can’t look its killing me
And taking control
Jealousy, turning saints into the sea
Swimming through sick lullabies
Choking on your alibi
But it’s just the price I pay
Destiny is calling me
Open up my eager eyes
‘Cause I’m Mr Brightside

I never...
I never...
I never...
I never...

2007年5月17日 星期四




2007年5月14日 星期一


Cocorosie - The Adventure of Ghosthorse and Stillborn
「Touch & Go」



暌違了兩年之後,Cocorosie總算發行了新專輯「The Adventure of Ghosthorse and Stillborn」。也許是前兩張專輯「La Maison de Mon Rêve」及「Noah's Ark 」爆紅的原因,Cocorosie儼然成為了Touch & Go的一姐,在各大平面雜誌及網路媒體不斷曝光。

如果期待著Cocorosie會延續前兩張那種充滿著玩具聲響和輕柔folky吉他小品的人,乍聽這張專輯可能會感到有點失望。因為野心勃勃的Casady姊妹花反而捨棄了那種較為catchy的元素,把以前輕描淡寫帶過的Hip Hop、Trip-Hop這兩種元素恣意揮灑在專輯裡面。序曲「Rainbowarriors」就狠狠的給了一個下馬威,董疵下還來個帥氣scratch(剛開始還有馬叫聲!!!XD)!還在傻眼時「Promise」馬上就來個Trip-Hop節拍;「Japan」則是比較像之前的專輯的作品,在聽似笨拙的鼓聲鋪陳之下,灑入了Cocorosie招牌的合聲,和熱鬧的人聲及玩具聲,是整張專輯我最愛的一首歌;專輯後段則改用較柔和的旋律,其中「Houses」更是找來了怪喀Devendra Banhart來插花編曲,以弔詭的鋼琴編曲襯托兩姊妹的聲音。

整體來說,「The Adventure of Ghosthorse and Stillborn」跟之前比起來,少了像是「Jesus Love Me」或是「K-Hole」之類叫人朗朗上口的作品,但是卻多了更多有趣的實驗元素。若是喜歡Cocorosie的搞怪風格,這張作品也是不可以錯過的!!

// Rainbowarriors

// Japan