Animal Collective - Sung Tongs
Asa-Chang & Junray - Jun Ray Song Chang
*The Album Leaf - Into The Blue Again.
Broken Social Scene - You Forgot it in People
Chin Up Chin Up - We Should Have Never Lived Like We Were Skycrapers
Cocorosie - La Maison Mon Reve
*Dosh - Lost Take
*East River Pipe - What Are You On?
*Envy - Insomniac Doze
Frog Pocket - Gonglot
*Islands - Return to The Sea
*I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness - Fear is on Our Side
Loopdrop - Loopdrop
Loose Fur - Loose Fur
*Monster Movie - All Lost
*Phoenix - It's Never Been Like That
Psapp - Tiger, My Friend.
Richard Swift - The Novelist / Walking Without Effort
Saxon Shore - Be A Bright Blue
*Tapes 'N Tapes - The Loon
如果想要三八一下機車曲調,可以聽一下Animal Collective跟Tapes 'N Tapes;俏皮可愛聽Islands;感受搖滾本色的可以聽BSS、I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness和Monster Movie;Hole搖滾有Envy跟Saxon Shore;IDM叮咚電子注意一下Psapp跟Loopdrop;低油脂零負擔考慮Phoenix跟East River Pipe....啊... 沒梗了反正都很好聽啦...
Badly Drawn Boy - The Hour of Bewilderbeast
Blur - 13
Boards of Canada - Music Has The Right to Children
Daft Punk - Discovery
Death Cab For Cutie - We Have the Facts and We're Voting Yes
Explosions in the Sky - The Earth is Not A Cold Dead Place
Jack Johnson - In Between Dreams
Múm - Finally We Are No One
OST - Lost in Translation
PJ Harvey - Stories from the Sea, Stories from the City
Plus / Minus - Let's Build A Fire
Pulp - Different Class
Spiritualized - Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space
Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
椎名林檎 - 加爾基精液栗子花
Yankee Hotel Foxtrot是我目前為止的最愛不需多說,有時候我會覺得,與其說我喜歡Wilco,倒不如說我喜歡YHF這張專輯,或是Jeff Tweedy令人流淚的嗓音。Jeff Tweedy的個人巡迴DVD我也已經聽了不少遍了,因為個人巡迴acoustic所以稍嫌單調,但光靠他的聲音就是讓我佩服到不行。雖然我不很喜歡東京事變的新專輯,不過華麗奇詭的加爾基精液栗子花依然讓我百聽不厭。塗鴉男孩光彩不再,新專輯Born in the U.K.實在相當普通,不過Hour of Bewilderbeast 還是我最佳的起床專輯。至於Blur, Spiritualized...都一直是我音響裡面的常客,比較令我意外的是我竟然會那麼愛聽Daft Punk,Discovery真是張俗又好聽的帥氣專輯阿。