And instead of saying all of your goodbyes,
let them know You realize that life goes fast
It's hard to make the good things last
You realize the sun doesn't go down
It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round
七年了,從我還是個青澀的新鮮人,也就是 2003年的Mogwai開幕場,中間歷經了 Mum, Explosions in The Sky, Broken Social Scene, Stars, Yo La Tengo, Four Tet, Do Make Say Think, Envy, toe...許多大大小小的表演,不同的現場表演各自在我成長的階段留下記號。很多同學忙著糾團唱歌跑趴的當下,我倒是努力的在拉人看表演。也許這樣說似乎有點矯情,但這空間寄託了很多我所重視的人事物,集合起來儼然成為我這七年的畫冊!是啊!這該死的The Wall還真的佔據了我七年的青春(幹!還我青春來)!
What can i say?? I Love Pulp !! Pulp的專輯我真的是越聽越愛!超期待 Pulp reunion !!
4. Up in The Air
我不是型男,但在今年看過的電影中,會列入all time favorite的只有 Up in The Air。我其實很能理解和認同Ryan的背包理論,在人生的背包裡,放入的東西越少,其實就可以越輕鬆!但細小瑣碎的每個寂寞片段不斷累積,加上女主角Vera那句心碎台詞:「You are an escape. You're a break from our normal lives. You're a parenthesis.」,隨之而來的結論就是那句感觸良多的「Life's better with company.」
Ryan Bingham: You know why kids love athletes?
Bob: Because they screw lingerie models.
Ryan Bingham: No, that's why we love athletes. Kids love them because they follow their dreams.
5. Music
Kanye West - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
Deerhunter - Halcyon Digest
Florence and the Machine - Lungs
Yeasayer - Odd Blood
Belle and Sebastian - Write About Love
OST - Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
the xx - xx